Kartu Bisnis

Kartu Bisnis
Member ID : GLN0000982
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Jumat, 30 Mei 2014

Daily Inspiration : HOPE INTO ACTION

Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1 -


It takes more than hope to make things happen. Still, hope is a good and powerful thing.

Being hopeful will not magically bring whatever you hope for. Yet it is infinitely better than being hopeless.

If you let it, hope will inspire you to action. When you persist in the hope and persist in the doing, you’ll find that your hope was well founded and helpful.

Hope is not something that must depend on outside conditions, so you can choose hope no matter what is going on. You can always choose hope because you can always choose what to do with it.

Let your hope give you a little bit of comfort and reassurance. But more than that, let it challenge you and inspire you to do the difficult work that brings what you hope into reality.

Hope for the best, then transform that hope into a vision with a solid, practical path for moving forward. Put your hope into action, and create a reality above and beyond the best you could hope for.

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Jumat, 23 Mei 2014

Daily Inspiration : GETTING THERE

Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1 -


Take care not to focus too much on plotting out a way to get there. Direct the bulk of your attention, time and energy to actually getting there.

It’s good to have a workable process. Remember, though, that the goal is to get results and not to merely perfect the process.

When the objective is clear and meaningful, and the passion is there, you will manage to work your way to the results you seek. Although many of the steps you take will be from your plan, some of the most important steps will come from your desire to move forward.

You cannot possibly know everything that will happen along the way. Yet you can always know that with a strong enough desire, you will find a way no matter what.

Don’t let your planning take away from your doing. Enjoy the confidence of knowing that even if your plans don’t work out, you can still reach the goal.

Keep your eye on the prize, your heart in the effort, and your passion burning steadily. There is a way to get it done, and you will find it and make it happen.

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Rabu, 21 Mei 2014

Daily Inspiration : THE VALUE OF WHAT YOU GIVE

Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1 -


What is really valuable is not anything you get. What brings the greatest value to your life is what you give.

The investment of your time, effort, attention and caring, makes life rich. That richness comes not from the results you get, but from the degree to which you give.

Having the opportunity to give your love is far more valuable than having love directed toward you. If all the world loved you and you had nowhere to direct your own love, life would be unbearably empty.

So love, without expecting love to be returned. Give, not because of what you will get but because the giving itself is so fulfilling.

Take the fulfillment to an even higher level by encouraging and enabling others to give as well. Allow yourself to be loved, as a way for you to deepen your love for others, giving them the opportunity to love.

Live richly by giving the unique richness already inside you. Give of yourself, sincerely, continuously, and experience life from its most fulfilling perspective.

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Sabtu, 17 Mei 2014

Daily Inspiration : NEVER TOO MUCH TROUBLE

Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1 -


Life is best enjoyed not by sitting on the sidelines and watching, but by jumping in and taking part. Whatever you must do, it is never too much trouble.

When there is a way you can make a difference, then by all means make it. If there is something you have to offer, then offer it, with gratitude and enthusiasm.

Don’t just sit there desperately maintaining the fantasy that you’re better than everybody else. Humble yourself to being a sincere servant of life’s best possibilities and see how great it all can really be.

Stop looking for ways to avoid effort and instead start developing strategies to make each effort more effective. Feel your true greatness through the meaningful work you do.

Step back and realize again how fortunate you are to be here today, right where you are. Then step in and put that good fortune to work in new and exciting ways.

Joy awaits, so go get it and share it through your efforts as widely as you can imagine. Life awaits, so live it fully and see for yourself that it’s never too much trouble.

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Rabu, 14 Mei 2014


Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1 -


If you knew someone in your own situation, what advice would you give that person? What course of action, what priorities, what strategies would you suggest?

Think about that, and then think about this. Are you, right now, following your own advice?

It’s easy to know what to do when you’re not the person who has to do it. When you actually have to implement the advice, things get complicated and uncomfortable.

Yet good advice is good advice. And you are well positioned to give yourself good advice.

Yes, it will involve some real work to do what you know must be done. Fortunately, as difficult as it may be, you can absolutely do that work and follow the advice you yourself would offer.

So go ahead, be brutally honest and give yourself the advice you need to hear. Then take it to heart, put it into action, and make the progress you know you can make.

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Minggu, 11 Mei 2014

Daily Inspiration : CONTINUE

Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1 -


When you are making progress, continue. When you are in the zone and being effective, make use of your momentum.

Continue, and you will transform a minor success into a major achievement. Continue, and build more value on top of the value you’ve created.

It is tempting to stop when you’ve done enough. Yet you know you can do much more than that, and somewhere, deep down inside, you’ll be disappointed in yourself if you pass up the opportunity.

Feel how great it feels to make a difference in your world. Then, harness that great feeling to make an even bigger difference.

In every achievement is the opportunity for more achievement, yet that opportunity quickly fades. So grab the opportunity while it’s still fresh and powerful, and use it.

Do the work, give your best, and then continue. You’re on a roll and there’s no sense in stopping.

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Kamis, 08 Mei 2014

Daily Inspiration : ENERGY TO MOVE FORWARD

Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1 -


Your burdens feel heavy because they are. They weigh you down and hold you back, but there is a better alternative.

You can choose to transform the weight of those burdens into positive energy. And you can draw upon that positive energy to move yourself forward.

The burdens you carry are creatures of the past that have survived to push against you in the present. Take a deep, fresh breath of the air that is right now, and fill yourself with resolve to take good, useful energy from those burdens.

Think of what you’ve done in the past to put yourself in the presence of your burdens. Now think of how you can use your energy and your actions to move yourself toward freedom.

You have worked your way to this point, and you can now work your way far beyond it. Imagine what is possible, choose from it whatever you desire, and begin right away to take the actions that will get you there.

Stop seeing your burdens as holding you back and start seeing them for what they can be. Take energy and inspiration from them, and choose to live life on your own positive, fulfilling terms.

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Minggu, 04 Mei 2014

Daily Inspiration : YOU DECIDE

Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1 -


You can decide how you feel about the world. You can decide how you feel about each day.

You can decide what your attitude will be. In your ability to decide there is great power.

You can decide how much to let things get to you. You can decide what to do and what not to do.

You are not a victim of what happens to you. You are the result of the way you interpret and deal with what happens.

You are the result of your choices. You are not stuck in any particular pattern or situation, unless you choose to be.

You are free to make of this moment, and every moment, what you will. Decide right now to make it outstanding.

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