Kartu Bisnis

Kartu Bisnis
Member ID : GLN0000982
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Minggu, 29 Juni 2014


Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1 - SI TOKEK

Pada suatu hari ada seorang petani yang bingung. Ia mempunyai sepetak lahan, ia berpikir apakah ladang tersebut akan ia tanami melon atau semangka. Tiba-tiba, “tokeeeeeek..!”

Tokek yang bersarang di plafon atap rumahnya itu berbunyi. Dengan sigap, petani itu berseru “Meloon!”. Tokek itu berbunyi lagi, “Tokeeeek..!” Petani itupun berseru lagi “Semangkaa..”. Dan begitu seterusnya beberapa kali hingga tokek tersebut berhenti berbunyi. Kata terakhir yang diserukan petani tersebut adalah “melon”, maka petani itu pun memutuskan untuk menanam melon di ladang.

Beberapa bulan berlalu dan ternyata melonnya tumbuh subur. Sangat berbeda dengan tetangganya yang menanam semangka. Semangka tetangganya tersebut hampir semuanya gagal panen tanpa ada sebab yang jelas. “Tokek itu simbol keberuntunganku.” Gumam petani.

Sore harinya, seorang pedagang melon datang ke rumah petani tersebut. Ia menawarkan diri untuk membeli semua hasil panen melon di atas harga pasar. Padahal di sisi lain, petani itu sudah berencana menjual melon ke KUD. “Mmm.. dijual ke orang itu tidak ya??” tiba-tiba tokek itu berbunyi lagi “tokeeek..!”

Sekonyong-konyong petani itu berseru “Ya..!” ; Tokek itupun berbunyi lagi “tokeeek..!” Petanipun berseru lagi “tidaak..!” Dan begitu seterusnya beberapa kali hingga tokek tersebut berhenti berbunyi. Kata terakhir yang diserukan petani tersebut adalah “tidak”. Maka petani itu menolak menjual melonnya pada pedagang itu, dan lebih memilih....

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Jumat, 20 Juni 2014

Daily Inspiration : ENOUGH TO GET STARTED

Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1 -


Whether you have a lot to work with or you don’t have very much, there’s one thing you do have. You have enough to get started, so go ahead and take the first step.

Whether you know everything there is to know or you know almost nothing, you certainly know enough to get started. Once you’re in motion, you will surely learn a whole lot more.

Whatever must be done will not be done by waiting for the perfect conditions. The fact is, you can take the first step, and the step after that, no matter what the conditions may be.

The resources, relationships, ideas, knowledge and expertise you seek are all connected to you in some way. To activate the connection you must activate yourself, and get to work.

Get to work, and suddenly you find ways to transform what you need into what you have. Get to work, and with every effort new pathways open up to you.

Achievement is calling, and there’s no good reason to wait another moment. You already have enough to get started, so do.

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Daily Inspiration : IMAGINE EXACTLY

Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1 -


The first thing you must do is see your destination. Though it sounds ridiculously obvious, the world is filled with people who are striving to get somewhere they haven’t even fully imagined.

It’s not enough to desire something different, or to want to get away from where you are. You must be specific about what you do want, and where you do seek to be.

Start the day by imagining in great detail what you will achieve. By the end of the day, you’re very likely to have it done.

Don’t waste time complaining or arguing about what is. Don’t drain all your energy worrying about the problems, challenges and pitfalls.

Instead, imagine what can be. Imagine in precise and meaningful detail, and then make it so.

You are, right now, blessed with the near-miraculous power to do great things. Imagine exactly what those things might be, and put that power to work.

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Kamis, 19 Juni 2014

Daily Inspiration : JOY IN EVERY EFFORT

Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1 -


Want to actually make this a great day instead of just wishing for one? Then destroy all remnants of the misconception that effort is something to be avoided.

The truth is, effort can create the utmost enjoyment. Firmly imprint this truth in your awareness as you push yourself joyfully from one task to the next.

The main thing that makes good, productive effort distasteful is your attitude toward it. Improve your attitude about your efforts and you can radically improve the quality of your life.

You have the power to see every effort as a joy, so step right up and activate that power. Pack this day to the brim with useful activity, and delight in the unique pleasure of filling your world with richness.

Seize the opportunity that exists in whatever must be done. Marvel at your good fortune in being well positioned to make a difference.

Flood your world with brilliant achievements by eagerly taking on challenges and transforming them into value. See for yourself that the more effort you make, and the more joyfully you make it, the better life becomes.

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Rabu, 18 Juni 2014


Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1 -


Progress is made by those who have the courage to be wrong and the persistence to find how to get it right. Great achievements are crafted into existence by those who, when they begin, are not sure exactly how they’ll do it.

Don’t wait until you know how to do everything before you have the confidence to do anything. Find confidence in the authenticity of your desire and the goodness of your purpose.

You don’t have to already be an expert to gain expertise. You just have to get busy.

If you should stumble a lot at first, get back up each time and apply what you’ve just learned. Even when you stumble going forward, you’re still moving ahead.

Don’t wait for confidence to somehow come to you. Get out there and create it for yourself.

You are worthy, and able to reach the goals that truly mean something for you. Get yourself going, and enjoy the experience of allowing your ability to blossom.

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Senin, 16 Juni 2014

Daily Inspiration : OPEN YOURSELF

Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1 -


Open yourself to life’s great possibilities. Let go of doubt, hesitation, fear and mistrust, and let new richness unfold through you.

Be willing to do good and valuable things that you’ll never get credit for. Each time you do, you invite more achievement into your world.

Begin each day with gratitude for all that is. And by the end of the day, you will have discovered all kinds of new things for which to be thankful.

Give yourself permission to not get it perfect, to look a little foolish, to laugh, to cry and to admit you don’t know. Give yourself a constant push to act on your intentions, to actually do what you’ve decided to do, and know you must.

Be thankful that you don’t know it all, and always eager to learn more. Be generous with your time, your efforts, your ideas, your genuine praise and encouragement.

You are immersed in an endless sea of possibilities. Be open, sincere, thankful and willing, and craft those possibilities into a rich and fulfilling life.

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Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1 -


Whatever you are working on is important enough to deserve your focus and your continued effort. If you’ve chosen to begin the effort, keep going until it is finished.

Once you’ve decided to get it done, don’t allow yourself to doubt yourself. Just go ahead, maintain your focus and keep up the work until you’re finished.

Your initial instinct was to get started, so trust that instinct. Honor your choice by following through with it.

Yes, it could get tedious or frustrating, and you’ll probably be tempted to jump to something else. But if all you ever do is jump to the next thing before the first is finished, you’ll never get anything accomplished.

It’s easy to come up with a perfectly reasonable excuse to quit. Yet a small accomplishment is far superior to the most well-reasoned excuse.

Follow through, keep going, and get it done. Your future self will thank you over and over again.

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