Come back to the place in your heart that feels like home. Come back to the state of being where you can be who you most love to be.
It is wonderful to see novel beauty, to live through new experiences, getting to know people you’ve never met before. Every so often, though, come back home.
Come back home where you can feel safe as you process it all. Come back home to your treasured values, your familiar surroundings, where you can make some sense out of what you’ve experienced and learned.
Give yourself space to celebrate, to appreciate, to enjoy what’s always been most important to you. Wherever you happen to be, whomever you may be with, you can give yourself the gift of spending some quality time at home.
Come back home, stay for a while, and strengthen your resolve to support and enable what you treasure most. Come back home, and remind yourself why you’re doing it all in the first place.
It’s exciting and empowering to travel far and wide. And it’s also good, on occasion, to come back home.
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